The CEO. The Public Speaker. The Seminar Leader. The Company Owner. The VP of Sales. The Coach. The Guru. The Political Leader.
All people at the top of their game. All highly influential. Role models. Life Changers. Decision Makers. Leaders.
We all know it takes a certain amount of Personal Development to get to the top. It takes courage, charisma, work, consistency, persistence and a willingness to become better this year than you were last year.
Personal Development takes lots of forms from books, podcasts, seminars to transformational and accountability coaches.
Personal Development is the Art and Science of developing ourselves to grow, to become wiser. It's about becoming more empathetic, more mature, more enthusiastic, more optimistic, more courageous, more thoughtful, and more generous.
What is the Hypocrisy of the Hierarchy?
Have you noticed how often the leaders in the highest position of influence demonstrate that they quit personal development years ago?
What are they reading? What are they listening to?
When is the last time they had a coach? When is the last time they allowed someone else to hold them accountable to do what they said they would do?
Have their inspirational speaking and writing gained power, authenticity and impact?
Or do we witness:
- Lying
- Anger
- Intimidation
- Blame
- Fear
- Political infighting
- Greed
- Apathy
- Infidelity
- Arrogance
- The addiction to Being Right
When the number one motivational speaker in the world can only have impact with the F bomb.
When our most trusted political leaders habitually lie and willfully break the law.
When the number one authors of personal development are anything BUT in private what they write about in public.
When Billionaires belittle others and bemoan what is asked of them?
When those we have lifted up to royalty on the wings of our hard work and loyalty act like petulant 5 year old’s.
We are on a slippery slope to Stupid.
We [the people] ought to hold our highest models [coaches] to a higher standard. The coach ought to always have a coach….or the coach doesn’t actually believe in coaching. Make sense?
Being on top does not entitle one to entitlement. The fish rots from the head.
What we tolerate teaches our leaders what is acceptable. And culturally we have been tolerating pathetic behavior. Do you “Say Yes” the F Bomb? Do you vote for criminals and liars? Do you bow down to the Belittlers?
We all do to a degree, and to the degree we do, we design our culture. We design our future. We design our children’s futures.
RIP General Colin Powell. RB
Nancy J Fickas
October 26, 2021
I love your vision of keeping you vision clear and concise. You help people realize that you can’t create a new vision for your with your old self. Get out of your comfort zone.