Are You Tired Of:
- • The grueling grind of pursuing your Visions? Constantly starting and stopping your work or project cycles?
- • Getting easily distracted?
- • Things that ought to take a month end up taking you all year ... and they are still not done?
- • The limiting belief of your own coaching ability, your public speaking, your recruiting, and your team leadership?
- • Slow gradual growth?

This Is a 90-Day Program Where You’ll Get:
- • [6] 90-minute group coaching Zooms (2 per month): Each member will get 10–15 minutes of dedicated coaching on Who They Are Being relative to their project. What are your thoughts, stories, beliefs, and fears, and how can you change them? Small group coaching allows you to have breakthroughs from the direct coaching and also vicariously by observing the intimate coaching of the others.
- • Unlimited email as a group and individually for questions, deeper dive on distinctions, and celebrating successes.

What Is Ontological Coaching & What Will It Do for You?
Ontological coaching is one of my great passions. It’s diving into the thoughts, feelings, and actions of individuals who are passionate about their goals. It’s shining light where there is darkness. It’s seeing leaders’ breakthroughs to quantum leaps of productivity.
As an ontological coach, I ask a lot of questions, the intention of which is to have you see by your own answers a new path to Being. Everything I do is focused on your State of Being.
I don’t guide you by leading you to jump up and down, yell or scream, or hug your neighbor … although all of those things, for a moment, will change your State of Being. My intent is to permanently change your state, such that when you choose to pursue a goal, you empower yourself to do what is required to achieve it.
I rarely tell you what to do. Knowing what to do is the easy part. You can read a short book and know what to do. Doing it requires that you get yourself – yourself – in the State of Being that unleashes your power on the Daily Actions required to crush the project.

Coaching Is a Good Investment When 3 Things Are in Play:
- • The coach is competent.
- • The client is coachable … meaning they are more committed to reinvention than they are to being right or gradual.
- • The client is crystal clear and powerfully committed to a project, the results of which will give the client a significant return on the coaching investment. For example: If you invest $10,000 in yourself, and the NEW YOU, over time, earns $50,000 more income, then you could say you got a 5-fold return on the coaching investment.
What Coaching Clients Are Saying ...

"I received a multi-faceted training and will be incorporating not only specifics for my business, but also stepping into the "Richard" style of coaching when working with my team. You have demonstrated the power of asking questions and digging deeper. "
Karla Berger
Young Living, Wadena, MN

"The best part, aside from the “hard” stuff, was watching you coach and learning “how to” do a better job of that myself! Love watching you dig in with people and really listening to what’s going on below the water line."
Wendy Bakke
Yoli, Carroll, IA

"My income grew by about $500/mo. My recruiting jumped exponentially from 2-3 passive builders to 5 active builders and my sales growth increased 15k/mo. This was the perfect transition and intro to RBB and his style!"
Kay Cooney
Young Living, Wareham, MA

"We have finally found the concepts we’ve been looking for in this industry. It’s a game changer for me."
Jen Hagemann
Juice Plus, East Lyme, CT

"It was so encouraging and deep. I am enjoying growing with you all and learning from Richard. I feel I am becoming a better person and realizing that's more important to me than anything I originally wanted out of this coaching."
Kristina Roberts
Young Living, Roswell, NM
How to join Group Coaching
Getting guidance from Richard Brooke is as easy as 1 ... 2 ... 3!

1. Fill Out The Form
This is how we get to know you and what your business needs are.

2. Work With Richard
You’ll talk with Richard to work on a plan to improve your business.

3. Implement Change
Apply what you’ve learned to your business.
Apply for Group Coaching with Richard Brooke
How much is unclear strategy costing you? A lack of direction may already be costing you a great deal.