A Message from Richard Brooke
I've been a full-time sales leader, company owner, and coach since 1977. Now, in my 5th decade, I've seen market cycles come and go, technology come and go, leaders come and go, and especially companies come and go.
Most companies don't make it. Even those who race to $100M often don't make it. And, there are those that do … those unique few who set the standard and raise the bar. Those that inspire us with their innovation, courage, and Vision. Above all else, in the last 40+ years I've been a student; a student of culture, philosophy, cycles, leadership, and history. I've embraced honor, integrity, ethics, and longevity as the values I model. And, I’ve surrounded myself with people who do the same.
I believe all of us, as leaders, can perform at a quantum leap level above where we are today. I believe all of our companies and organizations can grow ethically and honorably … and do so for the next 100 years and beyond. For if this is not our Vision, how do we stand in front of our stakeholders, our team members, our customers, and ask them to follow us. Follow us to what end?
Where exactly are we going and why? What are the reasons others should follow us? This is what you can expect to gain when you engage with me … a Vision and a voice for the future.
Success Coach / Ontological Coaching
Ontological Coaching is a “revealing path to authenticity” … your authenticity is your greatest personal source of power and freedom. It’s considered one of the most effective methodologies for transformation, both personal and organizational.
Even though you may know what you want in life, you may not know exactly how to get there. Similarly, you may not always know how to avoid what you don’t want. Sometimes, you may not even know what’s missing. Dealing with this blindness is the job of an Ontological Coach.
Let Richard be your Ontological Coach and experience his unique and powerful style of “leading one to their truth.”
Richard Brooke has delivered hundreds of inspiring keynotes and presentations. On-Stage or Virtual Richard's story telling ability captures the audience's attention and will help your company or event to have the impact you are searching for.
If you're interested in booking Richard for your next apply now.